Machine learning (ML), a subset of artificial intelligence, is not just a futuristic
concept, but a versatile tool for reshaping industries and driving business
growth. We will cover how it can help drive business growth by sharing some
of the top AI models for business. By enabling computers to learn from data
without explicit programming, ML offers unprecedented opportunities for
optimization, prediction, and automation, showcasing its adaptability to a
wide range of business applications.

At its core, machine learning involves feeding algorithms vast amounts of
data (customer data in general). These algorithms identify patterns, trends,
and correlations, allowing systems to make predictions or decisions with
minimal human intervention. The prediction can include the customer
journey signals of those most likely to convert based on their search behavior
and other data gathered. The more data a system processes, the better its
ability to learn and improve accuracy

Is this something that Veye does? Yes. We gather as much data on your
audience as possible from many sources, including your collected
information and customer persona. We even collect data from your top
competitor’s online activity to build a more precise profile. All of this
information is fed into our data warehouse for analysis and to create our
campaign objective. This is only very simple except for the process. You’ll
learn more in the coming articles.